XC Scenario Concepts
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- General Description and Concepts
- Tasks
- Scenario
- Worker
- User roles and rights
- Workspaces
This document is an introductory guide to the concepts underlying Invivoo’s XC Scenario product, part of the X4B platform. You should read this document first, before diving into the developer’s guide or the user’s guide.
Software Version
This document corresponds to version 16.5 of the Scenario software. To check what version of the software you’re using, click on the X4B account icon on the right of the X4B banner, at the top of your screen.
Documentation Overview
The Scenario documentation is composed of several documents: | Title | Description | | — | — | | Concepts | The present document. A description of the general concepts that underlie the design and functioning of the Scenario software. | | Installation and Administration Guide | A guide to the installation, configuration, and running of the Scenario server software, destined for production support teams. | | User’s Guide | A guide to Scenario’s graphical user interfaces (UI’s), destined to end users who will design, run, and monitor scenarios. | | Developer’s Guide | A guide on how to integrate external systems with Scenario, by writing “worker” programs that execute tasks in the scenarios. | | Data Dictionary | An Excel file, companion to the developer’s guide. It summarizes the REST API exposed by Scenario, for use by worker programs and users interfaces, and it details the data objects that are exchanged in API calls. |
General Description and Concepts
Scenario is a general-purpose scenario builder and execution engine. A scenario is an organized set of elementary tasks. Scenarios represent different ways of organizing data, automated processes, or human activities. Scenarios can represent a workflow that models some business process, for instance; or a Gantt diagram in a Project Management context; or a complex calculation broken down into smaller parts.
Scenario includes a graphical user interface (GUI, a web application) for creating scenario definitions, as well as running actual instances of these scenarios, monitoring their progress, and displaying various KPI’s.
Scenario exposes a number of HTTP REST API’s, through which the worker programs can interact with the server. These API’s are described in the Scenario Developer’s Guide.
Workers and Integration Endpoints
Scenario does not by itself execute any business tasks. Tasks are executed by pushing them onto a queue, where external programs called workers can pick them up, and perform the required work. The Scenario Developer’s Guide describes in full detail the implementation of worker programs, and their interactions with the Scenario server. Following is a brief overview.
The Worker API
Supposing that a system called Pricing is to be integrated with the Scenario, so that its services can be invoked as part of some business process; then the Pricing software needs to be modified to implement a Pricing worker, which means coding API requests on the following endpoints:
Task catalog: the worker pushes task descriptions to the Scenario task catalog, thereby making these tasks available to the scenario designer and to the execution engine. Each task represents a unit of service that the Pricing system exposes to the outside world.
Task Polling: workers poll this endpoint to retrieve task instances to be executed. Tasks are pushed on the queue, by the central engine, whenever a scenario is being run, and they are tagged with the namespace associated to the task definition (see Namespaces). This ensures that every worker only retrieves the tasks that are meant for it.
Status notifications: workers use this endpoint to notify Scenario of their termination, or of their intermediate progress status.
The above description makes the assumption that it is possible to modify the existing software, with the result being that the worker is somehow embedded in the functional system. Alternatively, there may be legacy systems for which it is not possible (or not desirable, or too expensive) to change the code. In this case, a generic worker may be used to interface with the Scenario, with tasks being defined and executed as scripts (python, shell, …). The scripts in turn can use the legacy protocols to interact with the legacy systems, giving you access to those systems’ functionality.
User Interaction
The overall lifecycle of a user’s interaction with Scenario is as follows:
- Create a new scenario, by picking tasks from the task catalog, defining their
inputs and outputs, and arranging the order of their execution. A scenario
may consist of a simple enumeration of tasks, to be performed sequentially,
or it can have more complex arrangements of tasks, such as
described in Scenario Definition. - Launch the execution of a scenario, specifying values for the input parameters.
- Monitor the progress of the scenario instance on the monitoring interface (called the “Cockpit”, see the User’s Guide eventually “zooming in” to review the state of individual tasks.
- Eventually re-run parts of the scenario, if it stops in an error situation
All these interactions take place through the Scenario User Interface, which is a web application (webapp) described in the Scenario User’s Guide.
A task in Scenario is the elementary unit of work. Tasks are executed when a scenario is run, in an order defined by the scenario itself. Tasks have inputs and outputs that can be viewed and used by a human user, or by another task. Task parameters should not be confused with scenario parameters.
The Task Catalog
Business applications provide the processing to actually implement and perform the business tasks. In order for these applications to be usable from Scenario, the application must publish the list of services that it provides in the form of task catalog, defined by Scenario. This catalog is associated to a given namespace (see next paragraph) and it holds a set of task definitions to be used in the business scenarios.
A user designing a scenario accesses the global Scenario task catalog to pick tasks for inclusion in the scenario.
The figure below shows the user interface displaying the catalog of tasks associated to a namespace called “OpenFaaS”.
A namespace is a free-form string identifier, that is used to group tasks that are functionally related. A namespace is always specified when a task or task catalog is created, and a task is always associated with one, and only one, namespace. A task name must be unique inside its namespace.
A worker polling the task queue must specify the namespace for which it is retrieving tasks.
Namespaces are a mechanism to avoid name conflicts. Invivoo’s recommendation is that each team responsible for a given system integrated in Scenario define their own namespace. Users are responsible for the uniqueness of their namespace, the server has no way to enforce this.
Task parameters
Task may have input and output parameters specified. This is a powerful mechanism for propagating data across the entire scenario graph. The catalog defines the type of each input and output parameters.
Input parameters
These can hold constant values, set at workflow design time, or they can hold references to other input or output parameters of tasks already finished, or references to the scenario’s own input parameters.
This mechanism for referencing other parameters is called templating. It’a variable interpolation (or substitution) mechanism, with a special syntax for variables that identify a specific parameter in another part of the scenario. See the User’s Guide for practical details of how to reference other parameters.
Output parameters
These are the results of the task’s execution, computed by the systems to which the workers have dispatched this execution. Outputs of a task may be referenced by inputs of subsequent tasks.
Task aspects
Three different aspects of tasks
From the Scenario engine’s point of view, each task has three different aspects, based on when it appears in a scenario’s lifecycle:
a catalog task definition identifies an elementary piece of functionality that is made available to Scenario by some application. Task definitions are created before any scenario is designed, when an application system is integrated in Scenario. Task definitions are stored in a central task catalog. A task definition describes the input and output parameters for each task: parameter name, type, and eventually a default value for inputs.
- a workflow task definition (which could be called a task utilization)
describes a specific use of a certain task definition from the catalog, in
the context of a given scenario definition. To use a task in a scenario
definition, the user must specify two things:
- the definition of the task that is to be used (taken from the task catalog),
- the source of values for the task’s input parameters, which can be either:
- a hardcoded default value (a constant) to be used in every instance of this scenario,
- or a reference to other scenario data:
- the scenario’s input parameters,
- the output parameters of other, previously-finished, tasks
- a task instance is created by the server when a running scenario reaches the point where this task should be utilized. To get the task executed, the Scenario will push the task instance onto a task queue, where the appropriate worker program will pick it up. A task instance has a reference to the task’s static definition, as well as a complete set of actual values for the input parameters.
Tasks in the scenario lifecycle
The tables below show the correspondence between different moments in the lifecycle of a scenario (from left to right), with the different task aspects seen above.
Task versions
Catalog task definitions are identified by id (internal) and name (user-visible). The name should be unique inside the task’s namespace. Task definitions in the catalog also support a notion of versioning (workflow task definitions and task instances do not). Users can create different versions of the same task, by publishing an increased version number.
When a workflow task definition object is created as part of a scenario definition, and a task definition reference is stored inside it, the latest version is used by default, but the user can override this, and pick an older version.
In this way, multiple versions of the same task can coexist across different scenario definitions and running instances. Existing versions are not impacted by newer versions of the same task.
A scenario in Scenario represents a business process, as a series of tasks to be executed by the business applications that have been integrated with Scenario.
Scenario Definition
User design new scenarios using a graphical designer. This is a web application, with access to the catalog of tasks, where users can place tasks to be executed in order of precedence, designing a view of the business scenario in the form of a graph (a DAG, actually: Directed Acyclic Graph).
Users select tasks from the catalog, and the catalog task definition gets transformed into a workflow task definition (detailed in Task aspects above) when it is included in a scenario definition. Hundreds of scenario definitions can be created and stored in the Scenario server.
Tasks may be arranged in several ways:
- connect several tasks in sequence, to be executed in that order
- connect one task to several others (fork). For example, in the the diagram below, First forks into Second and Third. When First completes its execution, all the tasks in the fork (in this case Second and Third) are started.
- connect many tasks to one, using the Join operator
Here’s a view of the Graphical Designer in action :
Please consult the Scenario User’s Guide for the detailed explanation of how to use the graphical designer to design your scenarios.
Scenario Re-Runs
In many operational situations, scenarios may fail for a variety of reasons. If the scenarios take a long time to execute, then it is essential to be able to re-start and re-run easily only those parts that have not executed.
Scenario includes a very flexible re-run mechanism. First of all, when a task is in error, tasks that do not depend on the failed task continue running to completion. When everything that was “runnable” has finished running, the scenario is stopped, with an “Error” status.
At this point, the user should investigate whatever caused the task failure, and fix the issue. Then she has two options:
- Global re-run: every task that did not run or complete is run again.
- Selective re-run: choose which individual tasks will be run again.
See the User’s Guide for details of the user interface mechanisms available to let the user choose the re-run options she wants to apply.
Scenario Versions
The policy governing the versioning of scenario definitions is similar to the one described in Task versions for tasks.
Scenario definitions are identified by id (internal) and name (user-visible). Scenario definitions also support a notion of versioning. Scenario definition version numbers are managed by the graphical designer tool, which increases the version number every time a “save” is done.
When a scenario is launched, the user specifies which scenario definition is to be used. The Scenario server then creates a scenario instance, in which the latest version of the scenario definition is used by default, but the user can override this, and pick an older version.
In this way, multiple versions of the same scenario definition can coexist across different running instances. Existing versions are not impacted by newer versions of the same scenario definition.
Workflow Task Definition
This object is created when a user includes a catalog task definition in a scenario being developed. The main difference with the catalog is that now the user can indicate specific sources for the input values:
- A constant value, input by the user
- inputs of the scenario itself
- inputs or outputs of other tasks
In the current version, there is a templating syntax for the user to describe the intended source (see User’s Guide). Future versions may include a more user-friendly graphical tool for this.
Scenario Instance
User can start a run of a given scenario, by selecting the scenario definition from a list. At that point, if any input parameters have been defined, a popup window will prompt the user to enter the values. From then on, this instance of the scenario is running, meaning that the Scenario execution engine determines what tasks are to be run at each moment, and it posts them to the task queue, where workers will be able to retrieve them through the polling API.
Task Instance
Every time the Scenario engine determines that a given task is ready to run, the following steps are taken:
- A task instance object is created from the scenario object, and from the workflow task definition
- If inputs have been defined for this task:
- the Scenario engine retrieves the actual values from the scenario/tasks inputs/outputs
- the values are fed into the task’s inputs
- the task instance is pushed to the queue
A worker is an external program that is not part of Scenario, but implements the Scenario API (introduced in The Worker API above).
A worker usually is developed for a given external business system, or application, when the business users have indicated that they need to invoke functional services from this application. Usually a dedicated namespace is defined for the application.
The next paragraphs offer a quick overview of the workings of a worker program. See the Developer’s Guide and Data Dictionary for the complete information on how to write and run a Scenario worker program.
Retrieving tasks
Workers are background processes that run permanently, periodically polling the task queue for task instances associated with their namespace.
When a matching task is found, the polling function (part of the REST API) returns a tast instance object to the calling worker, with the list of inputs values, as described in Task parameters and Task aspects above. The worker uses this information to call the requested application service, which executes the task.
Returning information
When the task execution is done, the worker posts a TaskStatusEvent using the REST API. This object lets the executing system return various kinds of information to the Scenario server running this scenario:
- A task execution status, which may be In Progress, Error, Completed
- An error level, indicating the gravity of the error situation (see the Data Dictionary for details of the allowed values)
- A set of output values, corresponding to the task’s output parameters
User roles and rights
User management
Scenario recognizes two different types of users:
- local users have a username and password that they can use to log into the system through the web application. These credentials are stored locally in Scenario’s persistent storage.
- normal users authenticate themselves through SSO (Single Sign-On), meaning that the login interface redirects the user to a third-party system (the IDP, Identity Provider) where the user is known. If the user is successfully authenticated by the third-party system, Scenario will receive an authentication token, including one or more client profiles, which are mapped to profiles in Scenario.
A profile in Scenario is associated with a number of rights, i.e. the authorization to perform some action, or access some functionality. The current version recognizes three basic rights:
- Admin
- Read
- Write
The Admin right includes all the permissions from the Read and Write rights, and the Write right includes all the Read permissions.
Currently these three rights control the execution of the REST API operations. Each operation in the swagger interface identifies the specific right that is required to execute it. A right applies to each REST API operation, regardless of the data objects involved: for example, if a user is not allowed to start workflows, these applies to all workflows.
Future versions of Scenario may implement a wider set of profiles and rights, and finer granularity.
Workspaces are related to the commercial licensing issues of Scenario. Each workspace will have a limit to the number of workflows that may be created/designed/run in it. Invivoo delivers software license keys, which encode the workflows and workspaces allowed for this license.