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Git integration

AppControl YAML or XML files can be conveniently stored in a Git repository for version control and collaboration. Additionally, you can display the live status of your application directly in your documentation by adding a markdown badge link. For example:

![My App](,v1@myaccount)

This badge will display the real-time status of your application in your documentation.


Automating Application Deployment with AppControl APIs

AppControl provides powerful APIs that allow for automatic deployment of applications through custom scripts. These scripts can be integrated into your CI/CD pipelines or used for ad-hoc deployments. Below is a generic example of a script that loads and deploys an application map (in YAML or XML format) to AppControl.

Sample Deployment Script

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o errexit
set -o nounset

# API endpoint for AppControl
export API=${APPCONTROL_HOME:-}/core

debug() {
    [[ "${DEBUG:-0}" != "0" ]] && echo "$@"

main() {
    # Check if the required parameters are passed
    if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
        echo "Usage: $0 <map-file> <gateway-name>"
        exit 1

    local mapFile="$1"
    local agentProxyName="$2"
    local mapFileContents=$(cat "$mapFile")

    # Extract application name and version from the map file (XML or YAML)
    local mapName=$(grep "<app name" "$mapFile" | cut -d "\"" -f2)
    local mapVersion=$(grep "<app name" "$mapFile" | cut -d "\"" -f4)
    local escapedMapFileContents

    # Check if XML parsing failed (if mapName or mapVersion is empty, fallback to YAML)
    if [[ -z "$mapName" ]] || [[ -z "$mapVersion" ]]; then
        echo "XML parsing failed or not XML format. Trying YAML..."

        # Attempt to read the file as YAML using yq
        mapName=$(yq e '.Name' "$mapFile")
        mapVersion=$(yq e '.Version' "$mapFile")

        if [[ -z "$mapName" ]] || [[ -z "$mapVersion" ]]; then
            echo "YAML parsing failed. Please check the file format."
            exit 1

    # Escape file contents to be used in the JSON payload
    escapedMapFileContents=$(echo "$mapFileContents" | jq -aRs .)

    # Prepare the data payload for the API
    data=$(jq -n --arg xml "$escapedMapFileContents" \
                    --arg app "$mapName" \
                    --arg version "$mapVersion" \
                    --arg gateway "$agentProxyName" \
                        Xml: $xml,
                        Application: $app,
                        Version: $version,
                        AgentProxyName: $gateway,
                        LoadMap: "true",
                        OverWrite: "true",
                        UseDefaultAgent: "false"

    echo "Loading $mapName $mapVersion using gateway $agentProxyName..."

    # Send the API request
    curl $API/api/Configuration -X PUT \
         --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
         --header "Authorization: bearer $AUTH" \
         --data-binary "$data" \

main "$@"

Example of usage

./ myapp.yaml Azure_Gateway

This script will upload the myapp.yaml file and use the specified gateway (Azure_Gateway).