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Dynamic informations

An application is a set of components defined statically using a YAML/XML format (see: Create an application). However, the application can be enriched with dynamic information. Dynamic information is returned by the check command.

To return dynamic information, the check command should log some data to the standard output, which must follow this format:

<appcontrol> APPCONTROL JSON OBJECT </appcontrol>
    "link": "Hyperlink to wathever you want", //Optional
    "name": "Name of the component",          //Required
    "displayName": "Display name",            //Optional
    "state": "  Initializing |
                InError |
                Start |
                Starting |
                Started |
                Stop |
                Stopping |
                Stopped ",     //Optional
    "parents":                 //Optional but highly recommanded
    "exitCode": 256, //Optional
    "color": "Color of the code RGB format or hexa code ('255,255,255' or #FFFFFF", //Optional
    "Type": " Used to display an icon on the map. An url to an image (png, jpeg or svg) can be set. Anyway you can use one of the following value: browser, cd, chip, data-information, devises, dollar, euro, file, green-thermometer, hdd, memflash, memory, middleware, network, orange-thermometer, pounds, process, service, tools, user, yen",  //Optional
    "groupName": "Name of the group",  //Optional
    "customActions": //Optional
            "visibility": "Private",
            "customActionName": "echo Action",
            "customActionDescription":  null,
            "customActionCommandLine": "echo $(message)",
            "parallelCustomAction": false,
                    "description": "",
                    "defaultValue": "Welcome message",
                    "validationRule": "*",
                    "isEditable": true
    "filters": {"filter name 1": ["filter values"] ,
                "filter name 2": ["filter values"]
                }  //Optional,
    "dynamicTree" : [
                //A json object with the properties defined above
    ] //Optional,

A full example is available in this documentation:

In this example, dynamic components are displayed with an octagonal shape, while static components are displayed with a square shape.
